This was a show done during the pandemic. The following is the text describing the work.

This past year has required an uncharted rearranging of our energies. For a lot of us getting to and from work is no longer part of our day. Entertainment, shopping, exercise, school, and socializing have all required a new approach. Unemployment, politics, the news, and social media have also added to the collective anxiety. Reducing our world into a much smaller bubble with added problems has left us with a lot of misplaced energy that needs direction. These paintings are where I put that energy. They aren’t about specific events or people, there are no hidden messages, just a representation of uncertainty and chaos. They are intended to bring color and action into the space.

This work is influenced by the textured, colorful walls seen around the city. When an area is neglected it is soon covered with graffiti, fading advertisements, and ripped posters. The colors and textures indicate that even tho the area isn’t thriving life still goes on. Because of the lockdown and restrictions brought on by the pandemic the city isn’t thriving like it once was but life goes on with a different kind of energy. That energy is the theme of this work.


Living things